1,410 research outputs found

    Identification with Averaged Data and Implications for Hedonic Regression Studies

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    In this estimation of models with averaged data, weighted least squares is often used and recommended as a way of improving the efficiency of the estimator. However, if the size of the different groups is not conditionally independent of the regressand, consistent estimation may not be possible at all. It is argued that in the case of some leading examples of averaged data regression, consistent estimation is possible using the usual weighted estimator.


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    The sweet cherry ‘Sunburst’ is highly appreciated by consumers due to its organoleptic traits. Regional producers tend to harvest cherries sooner in order to increase their profits. With the aim of understanding the consequences of this we have tested the effect of different ripeness stages at the moment of harvesting on fruit quality. Quality parameters tested included external colour (L*, a*, b*), fruit texture, total soluble solids (TSS), and titratable acidity (TA). To evaluate nutritional quality total antioxidant activity was measured too. Once again, and in agreement with results obtained in previous studies, we conclude that there is no advantage in picking less ripe cherries

    Seminal traits, suitability for semen preservation and fertility in the native Portuguese horse breeds Puro Sangue Lusitano and Sorraia: Implications for stallion classification and assisted reproduction

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    The Puro Sangue Lusitano (PSL) is the major national breed of horse in Portugal, but no studies exist on its seminal characteristics, or on the possibility of conserving semen for future use. The aim of this study was to evaluate semen parameters, fertility and the aptness to semen preservation in Lusitano Stallions. In order to compare characteristics defined by a single or by multiple semen collections per stallion 152 ejaculates obtained from 152 Lusitano stallions presented at an annual breeding soundness examination as well as data related to 371 ejaculates obtained from 9 PSL were analyzed. These latter samples were also evaluated in terms of their possible use in assisted reproduction and were compared with 113 ejaculates obtained from 4 Sorraia horses, a rare and endangered Portuguese breed. The percentage of motile spermatozoa (PMS) was assessed after collection (AC), after semen dilution (AD) and at 24 h of cool-storage. Mean values obtained for sperm motility and morphology and semen pH observed after semen collection differ significantly (P < 0.05) between single collection/multiple stallions and multiple collections/limited stallions, and no age related effects were detected. Overall, Lusitano semen quality was comparable to that of related breeds, while Sorraia stallions had very poor semen quality. The response to cool-storage of diluted semen samples differed among stallions and breeds, and the best results for progressive motile sperm cells at 24 h were in a range of 35-53% for PSL stallions and were lower for Sorraia stallions. Fertility rates obtained with artificial insemination (AI) averaged at 85% for PSL. With the exception of PMS AC, sperm vitality and semen pH no other seminal trait seemed to influence fertility rates in the Lusitano breed.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6T43-4SPJ1TD-3/1/6a0fc54305a5730ccff6ba975a4abd0

    A UML-based approach for modeling industrial control applications

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    The main purpose of the poster is to present how the Unified Modeling Language (UML) can be used for diagnosing and optimizing real industrial production systems. By using a car radios production line as a case study, the poster shows the modeling process that can be followed during the analysis phase of complex control applications. In order to guarantee the continuity mapping of the models, the authors propose some guidelines to transform the use cases diagrams into a single object diagram, which is the main diagram for the next phases of the development.This work has been partially funded by the Portuguese Science & Technology Foundation project PRAXIS/P/EEI/10155/1998, Recon gurable Embedded Systems: Development Methodologies for Real-Time Application

    Limitações dos sistemas de transmissão AC quando aplicados a parques eólicos offshore

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    De modo a garantir as metas propostas pela União Europeia de diminuição de emissão de gases poluentes, alguns países membros apostaram na tecnologia eólica offshore. Com a evolução tecnológica, estes países pretendem aumentar as potências instaladas nos parques eólicos offshore, garantindo a sua otimização ao estarem em águas profundas, tendo assim um maior aproveitamento do potencial eólico. Com esta dissertação, realizou-se um estudo para analisar, sob o ponto de vista de modelos, as limitações dos sistemas de transmissão em HVAC (High Voltage Alternating Current) quando estabelecidos em cabos submarinos. Os mecanismos dos sistemas de alimentação em HVAC, na forma tradicional (linhas aérea), são confrontados com condicionalismos. Este tipo de infraestrutura submarina impõe restrições, pelo simples facto dos parâmetros de capacidade e indutância serem bastante significativos, que para uma situação de trânsito de energia, inviabilizam o transporte de energia, devido ao elevado consumo de potência reativa, bem como os seus custos extremamente elevados. Assim, os sistemas de alimentação em HVAC quando aplicados a parques eólicos offshore apresentam limitações. O recurso à tecnologia HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current), poderá ser a solução que se revela mais adequada para os sistemas de transmissão de energia associados aos parques eólicos offshore. Para além dos fatores técnicos é fundamental considerar os custos associados à construção e exploração do parque eólico, sendo fundamental analisar todos os dados relacionados com o projeto

    Aplicação de um teste preliminar a um folheto informativo sobre o estudo da efetividade da vacina antigripal contra formas graves de gripe

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    Objetivo: Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar os resultados da aplicação do teste preliminar ao folheto informativo sobre o estudo da efetividade da vacina antigripal contra formas graves de gripe


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    Abstract The sweet cherry ‘Sweetheart’, although having a short shelf life, is highly appreciated by consumers due to its organoleptic characteristics. Different storage methods were tested to study the maintenance of quality during a period of 27 days: 1) cold (air at 1°C and 95% relative humidity) (CC), 2) cold and polypropylene film bags (1°C and 95% relative humidity) (MA) and 3) cold and controlled atmosphere (1°C, 95% RH, 10% CO2 and 8% O2) (CA). Quality parameters tested included external colour (L*, a*, b*), total soluble solids (TSS), and titratable acidity (TA). To evaluate nutritional quality anthocyanins, total antioxidant activity, and total phenolics were measured. Results allow us to say that phenolic compounds were relatively stable and similar during storage in CC and MA. Cherries stored under CA conditions presented lowest concentrations of phenolic compounds. Phenolic compounds, total anthocyanins and antioxidant activity were inversely correlated with values of colour coordinates. Considering all the evaluations done during this work it is unquestionable that fruits stored in controlled atmosphere conditions had significantly different quality

    Pelvic floor muscle training protocol for stress urinary incontinence in women: A systematic review

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    Strengthening exercises for pelvic floor muscles (SEPFM) are considered the first approach in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Nevertheless, there is no evidence about training parameters. To identify the protocol and/or most effective training parameters in the treatment of female SUI. A literature research was conducted in the PubMed, Cochrane Library, PEDro, Web of Science and Lilacs databases, with publishing dates ranging from January 1992 to March 2014. The articles included consisted of English-speaking experimental studies in which SEPFM were compared with placebo treatment (usual or untreated). The sample had a diagnosis of SUI and their age ranged between 18 and 65 years. The assessment of methodological quality was performed based on the PEDro scale. Seven high methodological quality articles were included in this review. The sample consisted of 331 women, mean age 44.4±5.51 years, average duration of urinary loss of 64±5.66 months and severity of SUI ranging from mild to severe. SEPFM programs included different training parameters concerning the PFM. Some studies have applied abdominal training and adjuvant techniques. Urine leakage cure rates varied from 28.6 to 80%, while the strength increase of PFM varied from 15.6 to 161.7%. The most effective training protocol consists of SEPFM by digital palpation combined with biofeedback monitoring and vaginal cones, including 12 week training parameters, and ten repetitions per series in different positions compared with SEPFM alone or a lack of treatment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A methodology for complex embedded systems design : Petri nets within a UML approach

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    This paper focus mainly on the analysis phase, describing a UML-based approach for designing complex embedded systems, and specifically the usefulness of using shobi-PN v2.0 specifications, a Petri net extension, for modelling the dynamic behaviour. A relative complex case study is used to show the usefulness of the suggested specification approach